Latest News & The Carbon Age Perspective

Get the latest on what we’ve been up to and how we’re trying to change the world. We’re enabling something entirely new—the Carbon Age. Learn more about how we think about the challenges ahead and what’s needed to improve circularity across all materials in the future.

Carbon Upcycling brings together construction value chain to discuss the clean economy

“Carbon upcycling is a fabulous example of Canadian innovation where they’re taking a waste product from the fossil…

How Canada could use its resource riches to become a manufacturing superpower

We buy steel, cement and energy from international parties instead of prioritizing Canadian interdependence,…

Cementing the Foundation for the Best Data Centres

The question isn’t whether Canada can build data centres -- it’s whether we can leverage our resources, talent and…

Carbon Upcycling selected as a Build Better Innovation Challenge Awardee

Today Elemental Impact, a leading non-profit climate technology investor, announced the 2024 “Build Better Innovation…

Joint Study Shows High-Performance Low-Carbon Concrete is Stronger than Existing Roadways

Carbon Upcycling's CO2-enhanced mix achieved a 12.5% reduction in cement content while matching the workability of…

Cementing a Path to a Carbon-Neutral Future

The Calgary-based company recently raised a $34.3 million Series A funding round co-led by BDC Capital’s Climate Tech…

New Technology Companies Are Tackling The Emissions In Cement

Forbes - Carbon Upcycling is one of the companies working through the steps required to develop low-emissions cement.

Long-time Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Executive Joins Carbon Upcycling as Chief Operating Officer

Juliane brings over 20 years of leadership experience in the energy and infrastructure sectors to Carbon Upcycling. She…

Carbon Upcycling Joins Portland Cement Association

By partnering with international cement producers like CRH and Cemex, Carbon Upcycling is tackling industry-wide…

Carbon Upcycling Achieves B Corp. Certification

This prestigious recognition underscores Carbon Upcycling’s ongoing commitment to meeting rigorous standards of social…

CleanTech Industry Pioneer Steven Berkenfeld Joins Carbon Upcycling as Chair of the Board

"Carbon Upcycling's innovative approach to both decarbonization and carbon capture and utilization has significant…

Carbon Upcycling Delivers First 200 Tonnes of CO₂-Enhanced Fly Ash to BURNCO Ltd. for Low-Carbon Concrete Development

Carbon Upcycling Technologies, Inc. (“Carbon Upcycling”), a leader in circular decarbonization solutions for…

Carbon Upcycling’s CEO Apoorv Sinha named to Maclean’s 100 most influential Canadians

Carbon Upcycling's Co-founder & CEO, Apoorv Sinha, has been recognized as a top 10 climate leader in Maclean's…

Carbon Upcycling selected to join Saint Gobain GoBuild 2023 Cohort

Carbon Upcycling has been selected out of more than 100 applicants to join Greentown Labs & Saint-Gobain's GoBuild…

Carbon Upcycling named to Reuter’s 100 Innovators Leading the Global Energy Transition 2024

Carbon Upcycling was selected out of more than 1000 nominations for our work in the rapid and meaningful…

Decarbonization Summit

Carbon Upcycling's Apoorv Sinha joined Climate Investment (CI) at their annual decarbonization summit to discuss…

Carbon Upcycling raises $26M Series A led by BDC Capital and Climate Investment

Carbon Upcycling Technologies Inc. (“Carbon Upcycling”), a leader in circular decarbonization solutions for…

Carbon Upcycling and The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Awarded International Funding through Emissions Reductions Alberta

In this project, Carbon Upcycling and NREL are partnering to develop and demonstrate a framework to assess the…

Carbon Upcycling awarded 2023 Innovative Company by the NRMCA

Build With Strength, an initiative of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), recently celebrated…

Carbon Upcycling and A3&CO.® Sign a Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Cement Decarbonization and Circularity

Carbon Upcycling signed a strategic partnership with A3&Co.® to support the engineering and project delivery of Carbon…

CRH Ventures invests in Carbon Upcycling

CRH Ventures is excited to announce our investment in Carbon Upcycling Technologies (CUT), a company whose patented…

Carbon Upcycling Receives 4.4 Million in Project Funding through Emissions Reduction Alberta Circular Economy Challenge

Carbon Upcycling awarded project funding to support the first commercial-scale deployment of two carbon capture and…

Greening heavy industry should be the next climate goal

Christiana Figueres, the United Nations’ chief negotiator at the COP21 climate conference in Paris in 2015, has…

New Branding Announcement

After several months of internal development and guidance from some excellent agency support, today we unveil the new…

Carbon Upcycling Participates in First-of-a-Kind Department of Transportation Low-Carbon Concrete Demonstration Project

Carbon Upcycling, a waste and carbon utilization company commercializing a portfolio of novel, circular and…

Carbon Upcycling Awarded £2.3 Million to Manufacture Climate-Resilient Cement Alternative from Waste Glass and CO2

Carbon Upcycling Technologies (Carbon Upcycling), a carbon utilization company that produces CO2-enhanced cement...

X-Factor Award Winner Carbon Upcycling Technologies…

Carbon Upcycling Technologies, a carbon utilization company that produces a CO2-embedded cement and concrete additive,…

Carbon Upcycling Technologies Secures $6 Million to Scale Carbon-Resilient Infrastructure

Carbon Upcycling Technologies, a carbon utilization company that produces a CO2-embedded cement and concrete additive,…

Carbon Upcycling Announces Formation of Advisory Board…

Carbon Upcycling Technologies, the innovative carbon utilization company, announced today the formation...